Selasa, 19 November 2013

Touch Board: Interactivity Everywhere

Now anyone can transform touch into sound (and so much more!) with the Touch Board, an easy-to-use Arduino-compatible device.

What is the Touch Board?

The Touch Board is a tool to make your projects interactive, responsive, smart or just fun. Use the Touch Board to change the world around you by turning almost any material or surface into a sensor. Connect anything conductive to one of its 12 electrodes and trigger a sound via its onboard MP3 player, play a MIDI note or do anything else that you might do with an Arduino or Arduino-compatible device.
The Touch Board!
The Touch Board!
The Touch Board is designed as an easy-to-use platform for a huge range of projects, whether it's painting a lightswitch on your wall, making a paper piano or something nobody's thought of yet. Make sure to take a look at our video above and check out the information below. If you've got a question, get in touch and we'll get it up in the FAQs. We hope you'll support the Touch Board. We can't wait to see what you will build on top of this powerful platform!
We're proud to announce that the Touch Board is one of the first projects to be selected for the new Arduino At Heart program!
We've worked hard to pack the Touch Board with awesome features:
  • Touch sensing - The world is your interface! 
  • Distance sensing - You don't need to touch your sensors to use them!
  • No programming required - Unless you want to!
  • Arduino-compatible - Easy to program and works with popular shields
  • Works great with Electric Paint - Or any other conductive material
  • MP3 Player / MIDI device - Make a symphony of sounds!
  • MicroSD card socket - Change the sounds just by changing the card
  • Standard 3.5mm audio jack - Works with headphones and speakers
  • Lithium Polymer (LiPo) - Stand alone projects that recharge via USB
  • HID capable - Turn the Touch Board into a keyboard or mouse

Who is Bare Conductive?

We're a small design studio founded in 2009, based in London, UK. We're known for our electrically conductive paint and cool kits. We believe in making electronics accessible to everyone whether it's through new materials like our Electric Paint or through hardware like our kits and the Touch Board. The story of the Touch Board began last year when we saw the amazing graphical interfaces that people were creating with our Electric Paint. They asked us for a piece hardware that would make it easier for them and we've responded with the Touch Board. Click on our full bio to the right for more information.

What can I make with the Touch Board? 

The possibilities are limitless and that's why we've tried to show a range of projects in our video. But, we've only scratched the surface. We're hoping that you'll build on what we're showing here to create things that none of us could have expected. Throughout the campaign and after we'll be posting tutorials showing you how to make the projects from the video and more. It's our job to put the tools in your hands. It's your job to create with them, so get started!

Using the Touch Board as a touch sensor

The opening scene of our video shows a finger touching one of the 12 electrodes on the Touch Board, triggering a sound. It's really that easy to get started.
Using the Touch Board is as simple as touching it.
Using the Touch Board is as simple as touching it.
As shipped, the Touch Board will be pre-programmed to turn touch into sound. Touch electrode #1, hear track #1. Touch electrode #2, hear track #2, and so on. We've decided to ship the Touch Board pre-programmed and with a microSD card loaded with sample sounds so that you can focus on getting the Touch Board into your project. All you need to do is power up your Touch Board with a battery or USB, put your sounds on your microSD card and connect a speaker.
You could paint some instruments on a piece of paper, make a book interactive, create your own alphabet wall or even build an awesome cardboard boombox like the one in our video. The boombox was so much fun to make that we've decided to offer it as a reward so check out the images at the bottom of the page or the reward info to the right and get rockin'.
The Touch Board turned our wall into a talking alphabet.
The Touch Board turned our wall into a talking alphabet.
One of our favourite projects is the alphabet wall in our studio, made possible with a bit of Electric Paint, a Touch Board and a willing participant. The letters were painted onto the wall with Electric Paint and connected to the Touch Board with a set of painted traces. To make the project a bit more magical we covered the traces with white house paint. After changing the sounds in the microSD card all we had to do was get out the crayons and the kid! Sophie had a great time playing with the wall and left wishing it was on her wall instead of ours.

Using the Touch Board as a distance sensor

Nothing amazes studio visitors more than when we show them how the Touch Board can act as a distance sensor. The distance sensor is actually just a SUPER sensitive touch sensor. By uploading the distance code (which we'll release upon shipment of the boards), you'll be able to make a sensor that you can interact with from up to 20 cm away.
The Touch Board can work as a distance sensor.
The Touch Board can work as a distance sensor.
The image above shows how the Touch Board can infer your distance from a sensor. You could hide this sensor with a non-conductive piece of material (like a piece of paper or glass) and it would still function. It's pretty amazing stuff and we can't wait to see what you do with it.

baca selengkapnya di sumber.

Kamis, 09 Mei 2013

30 Sources of Inspiration to Make Money as a Geek


30 Sources of Inspiration to Make Money as a Geek

Every great product starts with a great idea. And every great idea starts with a tiny spark. When you’re looking to make money as a geek, the first step is to get those sparks flying. Here are 30 sources of inspiration that can help your idea catch fire.

1. Google
You could just toss your thoughts into the search engine but that might be pretty frustrating. A better place to look for inspiration on Google is Google Labs. This is where the company tries out its own ideas, most of which never get big. Some of those ideas are bit odd but a few just need a push in the right direction. Maybe you could pick one up and supply a shove.

2. My Programs
One thing you’ll notice on Google is that many of the tools you use on your computer are migrating to the Web. So take a look through your program list and see what other pieces of software could be offered online.

3. Internet Forums
Internet forums are often filled with people asking for help to solve their problems. Whether that’s advice on unblocking a sink or a how-to for unlocking an iPhone, it’s always possible to make money by offering solutions.

4. Airport Lounge
Forums are where people hope to find solutions; airport lounges are where they find problems. They’re places where people are looking for ways to fill empty hours so next time you’re waiting for a flight, fill yours by watching how they do it… then try to think of ways to help them do it better.

5. Blog Comments
Solving problems is one way to come up with business ideas. Another is just to give the public what it wants. Whenever a piece of technology gets discussed in a blog, people often respond by writing what they wish the gadget did. Read the comments… and get to work.

6. Libraries
Sometimes it’s not the people that provide inspiration but the place. A library can be a good spot to clear out the distractions and let the ideas pour out. Unless you’re one of those types who prefers a bit of noise…

7. Cafes
The alternative to calm and quiet is often Starbucks. If you’re the sort of person who tends to daydream when there are no distractions then try working somewhere that forces you to focus… like a lively cafĂ© with plenty of new nomadics.

8. Hiking Trails
Or you can be a nomad yourself and hit the trails. Even if the birds and bees don’t inspire you, the fact that once you’ve started walking there’s no going back until you’ve reached the end means that you’ll have no choice but to think about ways to make your business big.

9. Press Releases
They’re rarely riveting reading, but press releases announce the arrival of new ideas into the marketplace. They can also give you new plans for ways to build on those ideas.

10. Children
Children can make a game out of an old shoe and a piece of string. They think out of the box naturally because no one’s told them yet what the box looks like. Spend time with a bunch of kids, watch how they squeeze new uses out of old items and think about the different ways that you can make the familiar new.

11. Supermarkets
Coming up with the product idea is only the beginning; you also have to market it. One of the best places to find ways of making your item stand out is to browse the supermarket shelves. As you’re filling your cart, look at the strategies that different companies use to attract shoppers’ attention.

12. Cereal Packets
And when you get home, stare at your cereal packet. You’d be hard pressed to find a better example of careful design, created specifically to appeal to a particular group of buyers. Note too, how companies like Kelloggs form joint ventures with other companies, like Disney, that appeal to the same market.

13. Cinemas
You might think that a cinema is the last place to go when you’re looking for inspiration for a money-making geek idea, but actually movie theaters have a lesson for anyone interested in earning extra income. They might market themselves as places to see films but almost half their profits come from the giant mark-ups they add to the popcorn and the soda. Sometimes, the most valuable idea isn’t the product but what you offer when people come to get it.

14. A Notebook
Yes, it’s old fashioned but it can still work. Grab a pencil and a blank page and start sketching what you’d like your business or product to look like. You might just be surprised at how much you already know.

15. Design Stores
A design store is obviously a good place to look for inspiration if you’re wondering how to plan a room or thinking about how a product should look. But even just paying attention to the way designers have thought about the way an item should be used might tell you something about what people want to do… and can’t do yet.

16. Japan
Not everything that starts in Japan makes it around the world. (There’s still something very Japanese about Hello Kitty.) But when it comes to comics, mobile phones, capsule hotels and a whole bunch of other strange things, Japan is way ahead of the pack. It’s one direction to look when you want to catch a wave.

17. Wall Street
This might not be the best time to be dabbling in finance, but Wall Street isn’t going anywhere and if you can meet a need here, you can do anything anywhere. Just ask Michael Bloomberg who made his billions not by trading, but by creating the financial software that let other people trade.

18. Siberia
We don’t literally mean that you should pack a hat and exile yourself to the icy wastes. But sometimes, a restriction can be the grandparent of invention. It was the desire to access email without using a computer, after all, that led to the Blackberry…

19. A Stopwatch
One restriction that’s easy to apply is to take away time. Tell yourself that you have two minutes to write down all the business ideas you can think of, then admire all the things that have been on your mind.

20. The Bathroom
Why the bathroom happens to be the world’s most successful source of ideas is anyone’s guess. But it certainly seems to work, and not just for Archimedes. Keep a pencil handy and you might even try mounting a whiteboard on the shower wall.

21. Second Life
One of the biggest challenges of coming up with new ideas is that so many have already been thought of that it’s tough to be a pioneer. So try heading to a new world — a place where there’s still plenty to be discovered and fortunes to be made: online.

22. Your Car
We’ve already seen how airport lounges can be good places to create products that fill empty time. But you don’t have to go that far. The morning commute leaves many people stuck with nothing to do but stare at rear fenders. What can you create to make the time pass faster?

23. Support Groups
Attend a book club, a group for hopeful screenwriters or even an organization for people who love growing orchids and you should spot a ton of opportunities to supply products that help people reach their goals. You’ll be selling to a very targeted market — but that just means there will be little competition.

24. Further Education Colleges
And the same is true of the sort of night and weekend classes that older folk use to pick up fun new skills. Sign up, look for ways to help students get more out of their studies… then market it nationwide.

25. Conferences
Obvious really, isn’t it? Business conferences are filled with people selling ideas — and sharing them too. They might be pricey but if you bring your own thoughts, you could find yourself creating a very inspiring partnership.

26. Art Galleries
Just as design centers can tell you something about function, so art can talk to you about form. Look at all the pretty shapes and colors in your local art gallery and you might find that you’re thinking about uses too.

27. Science Fiction
Was the clam-like design of the Flipper mobile phone really inspired by Star Trek? Probably. What other ideas can you steal by watching old sci-fi reruns?

28. Amazon
Bookstores contain shelves packed with volumes that are themselves packed with neat ideas. There’s no bigger bookstore than Amazon, so browse the books and read the reviews. At the very least, you might be inspired to write your own.

29. Blogs
Well, we had to say that, didn’t we? This blog aims to get your creative juices flowing — and there are a number of others doing similar things.

30. Your Life
The best ideas are usually the ones that come the easiest. What would make your life better? If you can’t find it, then build it… then share it.

Minggu, 14 April 2013

eBeam Edge Wireless


About eBeam

eBeam is a world leading Interactive Whiteboard Solution. For any organisation whether large or small, eBeam offers the ultimate flexibility between complete portability, mobile, semi-fixed and permanent installations from the same fully-featured and cost-effective hardware and software packages.
eBeam IWB

eBeam fixed and portable interactive whiteboards (IWB) are innovative, affordable and scalable interactive teaching solutions that work with both PC & Mac. The eBeam IWB suite provides all the standard IWB features plus functions such as boardcasting, handwriting recognition, record & playback, gallery and more.

Which eBeam System is right for me?
  • I want a multimedia system.eBeam Engage combines more than ten multimedia and navigation tools in one sleek console to make presentation delivery effective and fun.

  • I do not have a projector.eBeam Whiteboard will record all of your dry erase marker notes in real time straight to your computer. You can then save, edit, print, or broadcast them online.

Click here to learn more about eBeam Interactive Whiteboard Solutions.

Minggu, 07 April 2013

Menulis dengan Papan Tulis Interaktif

Menulis dengan Papan Tulis Interaktif - Papan tulis terus berevolusi dari media kapur tulis, spidol, hingga layar presentasi yang menampilkan naskah dari komputer. Seorang pengajar SMK Tujuh Lima 2 di Purwokerto, Banyumas, Jawa Tengah, membuat papan tulis interaktif, di mana gerakan tangan dan sentuhan seperti di papan tulis bisa muncul secara visual di layar presentasi.

Taufiq Ariefianto, pengajar Teknik Komputer Jaringan, gemar mengutak-atik perangkat lunak dan keras. Dari mencoba-coba dan berbagi pengalaman dengan komunitas pengguna sumber terbuka (open source), dia menemukan teknologi yang membuat kegiatan presentasi jadi lebih menarik.

Taufiq memanfaatkan spidol dan stabilo bekas. Ia memodifikasi dengan menambahkan lampu inframerah, sistem penguatan sinyal, dan sebuah tombol sehingga menjadi pena yang dapat menulis di proyeksi presentasi pada dinding atau layar.

Tampilan pena ini mirip pena inframerah yang biasa digunakan untuk presentasi di layar proyektor. Bedanya, pena ini berfungsi ganda sebagai mouse yang dapat menggerakkan kursor dari proyeksi tampilan komputer.

Ketika tombol pena ditekan, gerakan lampu inframerah te- rekam oleh sensor pembaca gerak pada konsol permainan Wii yang meneruskan melalui sinyal bluetooth ke peranti lunak dalam laptop. Sinyal itu kemudian diterjemahkan menjadi format digital dan ditampilkan di layar.

Dengan perangkat lunak yang biasa digunakan untuk smartboard, pentabulous, maupun Iboard, pena dapat digunakan untuk menulis di layar seperti di papan tulis. Garis, tulisan, atau gambar yang dibuat dengan gerakan tangan itu kemudian terekam dalam format digital.


Taufiq mengakui, ada teknologi serupa, yakni smartboard. Tetapi, harganya mencapai Rp 20 juta. ”Sedangkan untuk membuat pena ini, biayanya sangat murah. Bekas stabilo tidak perlu beli, lampu inframerah juga hanya Rp 500. Bagi saya, yang penting kegiatan belajar-mengajar interaktif tanpa harus mengeluarkan banyak biaya,” katanya ketika ditemui di Kota Semarang, pertengahan September lalu.

Karya Taufiq memenangi juara pertama dalam Lomba Kreativitas dan Inovasi Masyarakat Jateng 2012. Karya itu masuk dalam daftar 104 inovator nasional versi Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi.

Peneliti dari Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan (Balitbang) Jateng, Akmal Afif, menyatakan, meskipun sudah ada teknologi serupa, nilai terpenting dari inovasi yang diciptakan masyarakat adalah kronologi penciptaan yang dilakukan. Ada proses pembelajaran di dalamnya. Produk yang dihasilkan biasanya lebih canggih atau lebih efisien dari yang ada.

Karena itu pula, Taufiq tidak khawatir kalau apa yang dilakukannya ditiru pihak lain. Karena sering berinteraksi dengan para pengguna sumber terbuka, ia menjadi sangat terbuka. Untuk mengurus hak paten, kalau tidak didorong oleh Balitbang Jateng, Taufiq tidak akan mengurusnya.

Kepala Balitbang Jateng Sri Atmodjo menuturkan, semangat masyarakat Jateng untuk menghasilkan karya-karya inovasi termasuk tinggi, tetapi belum banyak yang bisa mendapat hak paten. Sulitnya proses dan mahalnya biaya untuk mengurus menjadi kendala bagi warga mematenkan produk mereka.

”Yang paling sulit adalah memastikan orisinalitasnya. Kebanyakan berupa produk modifikasi. Tetapi, itu bukan masalah. Sebab bagi masyarakat, temuan mereka itu berguna bagi kepentingan mereka, bukan untuk keperluan komersial,” ujar Sri.

Papan Tulis Interaktif


Papan Tulis Interaktif

Nama benda pendukungnya adalah Wii-Remote Controller, biasanya disingkat Wiimote. Pastinya pembaca sekalian pernah dengar konsol permainan yang diusung oleh Nintendo ini. Wii nama konsolnya, nah untuk memainkan permainan di Wii , kita mesti memakai alat kontrolnya bernama Wiimote ini.


Ternyata Wiimote ini bisa dipakai untuk keperluan lain selain untuk bermain Wii. Saya harus berterimakasih kepada seseorang bernama Johnny Lee. Beliau menemukan kalau Wiimote ini bisa dipakai untuk membuat Papan Tulis Interaktif. Papan tulis ini bedanya dengan papan biasa yakni kita bisa berinteraksi dengannya layaknya touchscreen di handphone atau di laptop. Mungkin video dibawah ini bisa menerangkan lebih lugas.

Nah disini saya akan berbagi cara membuatnya berdasarkan pengalaman saya sendiri. Kalau pembaca sekalian kurang puas bisa minta bantuan bang google untuk cari referensi lain di dunia maya sana.

Pertama-tama yang kita perlukan adalah Wiimotenya sendiri. Kita bisa membeli Wiimote ini tanpa harus membeli konsol Wii-nya. Saya sendiri membeli Wiimote ini sekitar 400 ribuan di toko game terdekat di kota Medan ini. Selain dapat Wiimote, saya dapat aksesoris tambahan yang namanya Nunchuk.

Setelah membeli Wiimote, langkah selanjutnya adalah menghubungkan desktop/laptop dengan wiimote ini. Untuk itu kita perlukan bluetooth. Berhubung laptop saya tidak ada bluetoothnya, terpaksa saya harus menggunakan bluetooth eksternal. Dipasaran banyak tersedia bluetooth eksternal dengan harga yang sangat terjangkau.

Oke setelah ada wiimote dan bluetooth, yang kita perlukan selanjutnya adalah software penghubung wiimote dengan laptopnya. Untuk itu saya mendownload software yang namanya SmoothBoard.

Benda terakhir yang kita perlukan bernama InfraRed Pen. Di indonesia, pen infra merah ini belum tersedia pada saat saya menulis postingan ini. Tapi jangan menyerah dulu, pen ini bisa dibuat sendiri dengan biaya yang sangat kecil. Peralatan untuk buat pen ini hanyalah LED infra merah, kabel, switch ama ballpoint. Rangkaian listriknya juga sangat sederhana.

Rangkaian Listrik Infra Ren Pen -nya 
Setelah semuanya tersedia, saatnya untuk menggabungkan segala benda-benda diatas itu.
Jalankan program Smoothboard-nya. Jika muncul jendela error berarti Windows-nya belum terinstall Microsoft dotNet versi 3.5. Segera download lagi tuh dotNet-nya, gratis kok dari websitenya Microsoft.

Begitu program SmoothBoard dijalankan, secara otomatis akan mengkoneksikan diri dengan Wiimote yang ada. Tekan tombol 1 dan 2 pada Wiimote anda secara bersamaan. Yap betul, tombol yang ada tulisan 1 dan 2 -nya. Kalau anda benar memencetnya, maka ada 4 lampu biru bakalan menyala. Tunggu sebentar proses pengkoneksian ini.

Setelah terkoneksi, langkah selanjutnya adalah mengkalibrasi bidang/papan yang ingin kita jadikan papan tulis interaktif ini. Bidang/papan ini bisa berupa meja, dinding ataupun bidang-bidang lainnya yang bisa di tulisi. Ada 4 buah titik yang perlu ditandai dengan menggunakan pena infra red yang telah anda buat itu. Setelah itu...Papan Tulis Interaktif pun menjadi kenyataan. 

Jumat, 29 Maret 2013

Papan Tulis Elektronik


Kegunaan Papan Tulis Elektronik

Kegunaan papan tulis elektronik merupakan dampak dari kecanggihan teknologi yang semakin maju dan berkembang dengan cepat menyebabkan dampak yang cukup berarti juga bagi dunia pendidikan atau perkantoran. Di dalam dunia pendidikan misalnya, jika sewaktu kita masih sekolah dulu digunakan kapur dan papan tulis kayu atau whiteboard dengan tinta, maka sekarang papan tulis kayu atau whiteboard bisa diganti dengan papan tulis elektronik. Begitu halnya jika dulu ketika pegawai sedang mengadakan rapat di kantor menggunakan whiteboard atau papan tulis kertas, maka sekarang pun mereka bisa memanfaatkan papan tulis elektronik.

Kegunaan Dan Manfaat Dari Penggunaan Papan Tulis Elektronik

papan tulis elektronik (panaboard)
Papan tulis elektronik diciptakan untuk mempermudah dalam mempresentasikan ide-ide yang dimiliki kepada orang lain sambil menerangkan dengan sejelas-jelasnya dan sedetail mungkin mengenai ide yang dimiliki tersebut. Beberapa kegunaan papan tulis elektronik antara lain:
  • Papan tulis elektronik mempunyai sisi depan elektrik yang bisa menympan coretan tangan, dimana dapat memungkinkan Anda bisa menuliskan ide-ide yang Anda miliki tanpa harus menghapusnya karena papan tulis sudah penuh dengan coretan tangan Anda.
  • Papan tulis elektronik ini juga memiliki konektifitas terhadap komputer atau laptop dengan menggunakan kabel USB. Sehingga bagi Anda yang ingin menyimpan apa saja yang orang lain tuangkan diatas papan tulis tersebut, maka Anda dapat merekamnya dengan menyambungkannya ke komputer Anda.
  • Selain itu papan tulis elektronik juga mempunyai konektifitas ke layar proyektor. Sehingga Anda bisa memakai papan tulis tersebut di dalam ruangan yang menampung banyak orang, dan Anda bisa menyampaikan informasi yang Anda miliki kepada semua orang di rauangan tersebut melalui konektifitas ke layar proyektor yang tersedia.
  • Papan tulis elektronik juga disambungkan ke mesin pencetak, dan Anda pun bisa mencetak apa yang sudah Anda tulis dan membagikannya kepada orang-orang yang sedang mendengarkan ide-ide Anda, sehingga ide tersebut bisa tersalurkan dengan lebih informatif melalui hasil cetak tersebut.
Bagi Anda yang ingin memanfaatkan kegunaan papan tulis elektronik, maka Anda bisa mendapakannya melalui toko alat tulis atau melakukan pembelian secara online. Dan bagikan ide-ide cerdas Anda untuk kemajuan perusahaan dan orang sekitar Anda.

Minggu, 24 Maret 2013

CSP Multi-touch Table


Multi-touch Table

Multi-touch displays are the natural evolution of the old touch screens as they are capable of recognising multiple touches at the same time. This way of dealing with the hardware (and applications) opens up a host of new opportunities for human-computer interaction, enabling the objects on a screen to be directly manipulated by the user. For this reason these techniques are also known as natural user interfaces.
There are different ways to create multitouch screens, depending on the context of use and the size required for the display. The techniques that allow the realization of  multi-touch hardware, are based on different solutions such as capacitive, resistive, motion, orientation, pressure and so on. The one we chose to implement our table is a computer vision based technique and is called Laser Light Plane (LLP). This vision based solutions are the most known and used when you need to interact with large screens because the scalability, the low cost and the easy to build feature; in addition to this there are other four major (computer vision based) techniques that allow  the creation of a stable multitouch hardware system: Frustrated Total Internal Reflaction (FTIR), Rear Diffused Illumination (Rear DI), LED-Light Plane (LED-LP) and Diffused Surface Illumination (DSI).

How LLP works.
Each vision based techniques consist of a camera, an infrared light source and a display. The infrared light source, in the LLP solution, is generated by IR-laser and this infrared light is shined just above the surface to create a laser plane of light that is about 1mm thick and is positioned just above the surface. When the finger touches the display, the laser plane hits the tip of the finger and the system registers an IR blob so infrared lasers and LLP method are an easy and usually inexpensive way to create a MT setup. Most setups go with 2-4 lasers, positioned on the corners of the touch surface. The laser wattage power rating (mW) is related to the brightness of the laser, so the more powerful the laser, the greater the brightness of the IR plane. The common light wavelengths used are 780nm and 940nm. Laser modules need to have a line lense generator on them to transform the beam into a light plane; the 89 and 120 degree line lens are most commonly used to reduce the number of lasers necessary to cover the entire touch surface. The advantages of this technique are that no compliant surface is needed, so you can use any transparent material for the surface like glass and not only acrylic; no LED frame and no closed box needed and could be cheaper than other solutions. The disadvantages are that traditional objects and fiducials are not trackable and is not pressure sensitive (is not able to detect the force with which someone presses on the surface but only the contact).
Laser Light Plane
Laser Light Plane

For more detailed information and reference, please visit to this NUI Group Wiki page about LLP technology.

CSP Mutlti-touch table.
In order to test multitouch applications at the development stage, CSP equipped itself with a dedicated hardware solution. When it comes to large screens (non-portable devices), there are various commercial platforms available – e.g. Microsoft Surface. However these are closed solutions that do not integrate with other software programmes and do not allow modifications to the configuration of the hardware, as well as representing a considerable expense. For these reasons CSP’s applied research has focused on creating and integrating an “open source” hardware. For multitouch applications a development framework based on Adobe Flash was used, chosen for its versatility and compatibility with the vast majority of operating systems. The applications developed are also based on interaction patterns typical of multitouch environments, such as pinch to zoom, tap to open and drag to move. In its research work CSP has developed a series of applications designed to respond to the needs of a range of different settings and sectors, from library services and public information, to teaching tools for learners with special needs, from the aviation industry to tourism, to entertainment, with multitouch games. Our prototype (built in 2009) is a table with a surface composed by a retro projection film sandwiched between two tempered glasses. On each corner of the surface there is an infrared laser with a line lens generator. A short throw projector, placed under the table, display the images and a modified infrared camera captures the users generated blobs. A mirror assists the projector in redirecting the image on the multitouch surface.
The surface has been produced in the form of a horizontal table, but the versatility of LLP technology means it can be used to construct vertical interactive surfaces in larger sizes, while keeping costs low. Indeed 2010 saw the creation of an interactive wall measuring 100” (around 2 metres wide and 1.5 metres high), with costs comparable to those of producing a table, despite being four times larger.
Multitouch table hardware specs:
  • Surface Size: 100 x 75 cm (48″ @ 4:3)
  • 4 IR Lasers:
    • Power: 10mW
    • Wavelength: 780 nm
    • Supply: 3.2V DC
    • Laser class: IIIB
  • Line Lens Generator: 89°
  • USB Camera:
    • Up to 60 frames per second
    • IR Interference band pass filter: wavelength 780nm (+/- 25nm)
  • Projector BENQ MP772:
    • Resolution: VGA (640×480) – XGA (1024×768) – SXGA (1280×1024) interpolated
    • Brightness: 2500 ANSI Lumen
    • Contrast Ratio: 2400:1
    • Throw Ratio: 0.61:1
    • Lens: F=2.6, f=6.9mm
  • Mirror:
    • First surface mirror – 330×220 mm
CSP Multi-Touch Table

Lasers Safety
Safety when using lasers of any power is important. Infrared lasers are used to achieve the LLP effect, and these lasers carry some inherent risk. Infrared lasers are imperceptible to the human eye and therefore activate no link response, allowing for greater damage to the retina. A Class IIIB laser is hazardous if the eye is exposed directly but a line lens is used to expand a laser’s line into a plane. This line lens reduces the intensity of the laser from IIIB to Class I. Exercise anyway common sense and be mindful of where the laser beams are travelling. If extreme caution is exercised, LLP setups are quite safe.
To implement multitouch applications, you can choose between different programming languages. Each technology has to know when and where the fingers are on the screen, so a protocol is needed in order to translate blob information into touch point messages. We used  the TUIO (  protocol as a middleware between the multitouch hardware and the user application. TUIO is an open framework that defines a protocol (and API) to standardize an interface that makes it possible to exchange touch events between a detecting device and an application or a user interface. TUIO is built on top of OSC (Open Sound Control) that is a protocol, defined in 1983, used to interconnect PC to multimedia devices. It represents an Internet based alternative to the MIDI interface. As OSC, the TUIO protocol is based on the exchange of UDP messages between the device and the client  application.  The TUIO protocol encodes control data from a tracker application (e.g. based on computer vision) and sends it to any client application that is capable of decoding the protocol.
The TUIO protocol defines two main classes of messages: set messages and alive messages. Set messages are used to communicate information about an object’s state such as position, orientation, and other recognized states. Alive messages indicate the current set of objects present on the surface using a list of unique session IDs. Since TUIO is implemented using OSC, it follows its general syntax:
/tuio/[profileName] [messageType] [Parameters]
The profileName is used to indicate the sensing capabilities of the devices:
  • 2D Interactive Surface (2Dobj or 2Dcur)
  • 2.5D Interactive Surface (2.5Dobj or 2.5Dcur)
  • 3D Interactive Surface (3Dobj or 3Dcur)
  • Custom Profile (in this case the name is a format string that gives the ability to correctly parse the following parameters)
The “obj” profile is used to recognize objects, the “cur” profile only to obtain cursor information.
The following tables describes the basic messages used by the TUIO protocol when using a 2D Interactive Surface.
messageType and parameters Description
source name Identify the message source
set id x y X Y m States the update for an object/finger providing the numeric identification, the x,y position, the X,Y motion vector and the acceleration (m)
alive id1 id2 … idn This is an alive message sent to indicate what are the
objects/cursors that still are on the surface
set id x y X Y m States the update for an object/finger providing the numeric identification, the x,y position, the X,Y motion vector and the acceleration (m)
fseq num This message sends a periodic sequence number. This is provided because actually UDP does not guarantee that the messages are received in the same order in which are sent.
The TUIO implementations are available for most common programming languages and media environment:
  • AS3 / Flash (ActionScript)
  • Objective C
  • Python
  • WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation)

Selasa, 19 Februari 2013

Electronic Whiteboard

Electronic Whiteboards - A Complete Guide to Smart Boards

The technology world is inventing impressive and facilitating devices every day that ensure more work within less space. They have replaced many old tools with evermore gadgets that not only carry out their core task outstandingly, but also multi-task efficiently. Modern technology has replaced the black boards and chalks with the hassle-free and fast-paced smart board along with its’ smart pen.
These easy-to-use interactive whiteboards work as touch screens and substitute the usual whiteboard markers with digital pens. They function like a regular computer as they are based on windows applications.
Unlike the typical simple boards, they are enhanced with features such as the provision of the facility to interact with other technologies; screen projectors, computers, laptops, etc. Therefore, a smartboard can not only help you deliver brilliant presentations, but also several other activities such as playing multimedia clips, video conferencing, learning, demonstrations, etc.

Portable Electronic Whiteboards & Multimedia Projectors

The portable smart boards have made a huge popularity within educational institutes and to other big corporations. Smart boards come in a wide form of varieties; in accordance with the market need. Each kind has its own specialized capability.
They come as interactive whiteboards with front/rear projection, colored/black and white, Bluetooth tablets, plasma display, panels, etc. Interactive whiteboards are not just used by schools or universities but also do a great deal in corporations and professional companies, where they are used in meetings and other places.
These electronic whiteboards have made a huge success with boosting the interest of the students in classes ranging from the schools to colleges. Subjects taught with the assistance of these boards make classes far more interesting and fun. Of course, the teacher has also been benefitted to a great extent as well. He/she can save the subject presentations along with other works in the software.
If there is need to revise a formerly taught topic, he/she has an instant access to it. The teacher can also address a large student body through a single smart board; which was not the same case as with a single laptop/computer.

Make your Presentations more Attracting!

Smart boards also advanced the business world through a large number of ways. Before the introduction of an actual new product into the company; the smart board presentations can bring out every aspect of it clearly through a presentation.
This assists the other members of the company in the understanding of the product. Also, it has made communication matters easier through video conferencing. If one of the partners or any other important individual is unable to attend the actual meeting; he can be included in it through video conferencing.
The Smart Boards are not only easy to use but also easy to buy. You can buy the smart board suitable for your needs just by clicking to a website. You never have to leave your office and go to the actual smart board shop on foot. They are also easy to buy because they are reasonably priced.
So why not indulge yourself and your company into getting this magical techno toy; spice up your classes and meeting with the Smart Board!

Why Smart Boards are so easy to use?